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Wildflower Hike on Saturday, April 20th

April 20, 2024 @ 9:00 am - 1:00 pm


We are hosting our first hike, led by survivor and volunteer Linda Moore! Join us for a gentle grade, wildflower hike at Catherine Creek Universal Access Loop and Arch Loop in the Columbia Gorge, at trailhead Old Hwy 8, Lyle, WA 98635. Capacity is 15 people, so register early!

Two leisurely-paced hikes to enjoy scenery and a profusion of colorful early spring wildflower blooms, among Columbia Gorge’s finest wildflower trails. The Universal Access Loop is a one-mile (approx. 90 feet elevation change), paved accessible loop trail with a few benches, mostly level with some gentle grades..

The Arch Loop lower trail is a flat to gentle graded firm gravel/dirt trail with 1.5-2.5 miles round trip (150-250 feet elevation change).

Linda will have a flower guidebook/app for those interested in flower ID. For more information, see Catherine Creek trails on Oregon Hikers and Washington Trails websites.

Start hiking by 9:15 am, with short lunch/trailside viewing stops and ending by 1:15pm.

  • Leashed dogs are welcome on both trails (per trailhead signage).
  • Bring: bag lunch/snacks, water, long sleeved shirts and long pants, layers for cool to warmer conditions,rain jacket (just in case), sturdy walking/hiking shoes or lightweight hiking boots, brimmed hat, camera/cellphone (optional) for flower/scenic photos. Hiking poles optional.
  • Large pit toilet across from parking area. No trailhead parking passes or fees.

Meet time(s):

8:45-9:00 am at Catherine Creek trailhead parking (approx. 70mi, 1hr 15 min drive from Vancouver). Look for Linda’s silver Subaru with a pink PLP bag displayed.


7:15-7:30 am for carpools from Vancouver/Chuck’s Produce (SE Mill Plain).

Vancouver carpools: Meet 7:15-7:30 am at Chuck’s Produce parking lot (13215 SE Mill Plain Blvd) between Chuck’s and Chase Bank. Linda will be driving a silver Outback with space for 2-3 riders.  Look for Linda’s silver Subaru with a pink PLP bag displayed.

  • Carpoolers/driver expected to fairly share driving cost (est fuel + Hood River bridge tolls $3.50 ea way).
  • Carpooling recommended as parking fills early at this popular trailhead. Stash any non-valuable items out of sight before arrival and leave no valuables in your vehicle.

Directions to trailhead from Vancouver/Portland: Via I205 to I84 East to Hood River OR – Take exit 64 and drive north across Hood River Bridge ($3.50 each way for cars & pickups). Turn right onto WA SR-14, and drive east for 5.8 mi. Turn left at Rowland Lake onto County Road 1230 (Old Highway 8), which follows north end of lake, to trailhead parking area on left (north side of road) approximately 1.3 mi from SR-14.

Slower alternative WA route (no bridge toll) via WA-14 from Vancouver (allow extra 15 minutes drive time) to just east of Bingen and follow directions with left turn at Rowland Lake (as above) to trailhead parking area.

Complimentary event for those affected by breast cancer. For questions or for more information, please call (360) 952-3814 or email programs@pinklemonadeproject.org


April 20, 2024
9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Event Category:
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