As a nonprofit organization, we rely on the support and assistance from many types of volunteers to help us fulfill our mission of helping those affected by breast cancer. We have a range of opportunities for volunteers to help get the work done that is needed by our organization and, ultimately, needed help those we intend to serve.
Some examples of the types of volunteer opportunities available are listed below.
Current Volunteer Opportunities & Information
We have a number of community events that happen throughout the year and we could use your help. Scroll to the bottom of the page to complete our online Volunteer Application — thank you!
Other Ways to Volunteer

Pink Lemonade Project has need for assistance in the office, including help with mailings, data entry, and other organizing and more. We are always looking for helpers with strong computer skills.
Public Information/Community Events
Pink Lemonade Project has need for helpers to staff the Pink Lemonade Project booth at local events, and third party fundraisers. Ideally, these individuals understand the breast cancer journey and have directly participated in our events, retreats, programs and more.
A Pink Lemonade Project Committee Member
PLP has numerous committees that direct our program, fundraising, communications, events planning and implementation, and more. Contact Susan Stearns susan@pinklemonadeproject.org if you are interested in serving on a standing PLP committee or work group.
Pink Glow Gala
Pink Lemonade Project is looking for dedicated volunteers to help execute our annual gala called Pink Glow, which is held annually in May. Volunteer involvement may include pre-event activities, such as, helping to procure items and donations for the auction, organizing, wrapping and transportation of auction items to the venue, and event setup. We also need volunteers to help during the event. Responsibilities during the event may include assisting with registration, scribe for paddle raise, live-auction, raffle sales, will-call, and post-event teardown.
Click here to learn more about this year’s Pink Glow.
Girlfriends was created to honor our very good friend, Joleen Skarberg, who was diagnosed with breast cancer (watch for her, she wears #1 each year!). Hosted by Why Racing Events, Girlfriends attracts hundreds of women, providing the opportunity for individuals and groups to walk or run a 6K, 10K or a half marathon to raise critical funds for Pink Lemonade Project’s breast cancer programs and services for patients in Oregon and SW Washington. We need volunteers to help with race preparation (stuffing swag bags), day of race activities like helping on the course, handing out water, staffing the PLP booth etc, and post-event activities like helping with thank you letters etc.
Click here to learn more about this year’s Girlfriends.
Breast Cancer Awareness Month Events
Pink Lemonade Project is invited to participate and lead a series of events for October’s Breast Cancer Awareness. We need volunteers to help at these local events, assist at the Pink Lemonade Project booth, share personal stories about your cancer journey to local groups, and more.