Thanks to the generosity of Waste Connections and Waste Control, 100% of the proceeds go to Pink Lemonade Project.
By ordering, you are choosing to have Waste Connections or Waste Control replace your cart with a pink cart. If your cart is damaged during delivery, it will be replaced at no charge. If the cart is damaged by the customer or it is stolen, the customer will need to make another donation to Pink Lemonade Project for a replacement as they become available.

Order Form

This form processes one cart per customer per order. If you want to order multiple carts for different locations, please refresh the page after you finish your first order and start a new order.
Pink carts are only available to:
- Residents of Clark County, WA who also are customers of Waste Connections.
- Resident of Cowlitz County, WA who also are customers of Waste Control.
We cannot deliver the carts to other locations.
Pink Cart Program FAQs

Pink Lemonade Project was created in 2010 to empower, educate, and support all communities affected by breast cancer. Our programs and services include outreach, education, screening/mammograms, financial assistance, support groups, mentors, and retreats. They offer support before and after a diagnosis, during treatment, recovery, survivorship, or living with metastatic breast cancer in SW Washington and Oregon. The Pink Cart program is a wonderful way to fuel our work.
Absolutely! You can purchase a Pink Cart on behalf of someone else. You will be asked for their full contact information, and we will ensure it is delivered to them.
The Pink Carts are only used for garbage in Cowlitz County or for recycling in Clark County.
In Cowlitz County, the Pink Cart is available in a 90-gallon size only. In Clark County, you may choose between a 65-gallon or a 95-gallon Pink Cart.
You can expect your Pink Cart to be delivered 2-4 weeks after you place your order.
Yes, we will mail you a donation letter which you can use for tax purposes.
You may keep your current garbage or recycling cart in addition to your Pink Cart. However, you may only use one cart for garbage in Cowlitz County. You may only use one cart for recycling in Clark County. Using multiple carts for garbage or recycling will incur additional fees from your waste management company. For more information, please contact your local waste management company.
Absolutely! You own it.
For more information, please contact your local waste management provider.
Cowlitz County: Waste Control: (360) 425-4302
Clark County: Waste Connections: (800) 457-1379