Girlfriends Run Sustaining Gift Program

Another way to support Pink Lemonade Project is to become a Sustaining Donor. With a monthly donation, you will join a committed group of individuals. Collectively we can expand our outreach and have a greater impact on breast cancer communities. We have three levels of giving that are the following:

  • $12 – Support

Through our Pink Peer program, a monthly donation of $12 can provide a breast cancer patient access to one-on-one mentor SUPPORT as well as gas or transportation to get to treatment.

  • $24 – Educate

Through our Mammogram Program, a monthly donation of $24 can provide outreach to at-risk populations who need breast health EDUCATION and mammogram or screenings.

  • $46 –Empower

Through our Pink Practicalities or Treatment Assess programs, a monthly donation of $46 can assist with utility bills, food, or lodging, EMPOWERING a breast cancer patient to complete their treatment.

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