Pink Lemonade Project is a not-for-profit committed to serving people facing a breast cancer diagnosis. We invite you to make a donation which could fund one or more of our hallmark programs and services to educate, empower, and support those individuals and families affected by breast cancer in SW Washington and Oregon.

Pink Lemonade Project is a 501(c)3 nonprofit | Tax ID #37-1699288

Unrestricted Impact

Monthly Gift

One-Time Gift

Planned and Legacy Giving

Specialized Donation Options

Host a Fundraiser

Often, your sphere of influence includes groups (friends, clubs, neighborhoods, etc) who would be interested in raising money to support Pink Lemonade Project’s work.  We can help!  We will follow your lead and inspiration.  Raising these critical funds is fun…and so important.  Share your ideas!  Click here for more information.

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